Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Neurodegenerative Disease Study – Dream Body Clinic
The prospect of cell therapy for incurable neurodegenerative
disease excites scientists, the public, and patients alike. Clinical
and scientific enthusiasm must, however, always be tempered
by methodological rigor and by the overwhelming imperative
of protecting vulnerable sufferers. We tentatively suggest that,
in the case of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the
balance between our current understanding of their biology and
an informed assessment of their probable safety allows a case to be
made for cautious pilot clinical studies.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Neurodegenerative Disease Study Conclusion
We therefore believe that there are, however limited, clear experimental reasons
to believe that autologous MSCs could be
of benefit in neurodegenerative disease.
There are few, if any, reasons to fear that
such cells are intrinsically likely to have
adverse effects. Although the balance of
evidence may arguably not be sufficient
to overcome the hazards of intra-arterial
or, more obviously, intracerebral implantation, intravenous delivery is very likely
to be harmless, and indeed cardiological
and extensive other clinical experience
supports that likelihood. It is absolutely
vital, of course, to continue the further
investigation of MSCs and their basic and
applied biological properties, but, in light
of the above progress, we believe that, in
progressive and untreatable neurodegenerative diseases such as MSA, a case can be
made for cautious pilot clinical studies.
The authors declared no conflict of interest.