can i take testosterone and hgh together

Can I Take Testosterone and HGH Together?

Can I take testosterone and HGH together? Many people have asked us at Dreambody Clinic, can I take testosterone and HGH together? The answer is that you should combine testosterone and HGH. In fact a professional medical study conducted between 2003 and 2007 concluded this. They took 6 groups of 18 elderly men in a…

Testosterone and Cholesterol Myths Exposed dreambody clinic

Testosterone and Cholesterol Myths Exposed

Testosterone and Cholesterol Myths Exposed At Dreambody Clinic we find it time explain testosterone and cholesterol myths exposed. Testosterone has been demonized on so many levels. It is a steroid and since steroids are illegal people assume that all testosterone is bad. This is not true. Testosterone is the key male hormone and essential for…