Just got this email from Ted and Lidia about their results from each getting our 100 million stem cells IV.

Dear Josh and Dreambody Team:
It has now been 4 months since our 100 Million Stem Cells IV treatment and we couldn’t be more thrilled at the results!
Nothing in the US or Canada compares to the results that are achieved through your clinic. And Ted has been preaching about his improvements through Dreambody Clinic to everyone – neighbours, co-workers, friends. I’m sure you’ll get more than a few Canadian’s that have come via Ted.
And we are planning a return trip to Dreambody Clinic and Puerto Vallarta, for maintenance this coming spring. Best decision ever!
Here’s our health issues and experiences:
Lidia B. – age 66.
1. Knee pain/ Osteoarthritis both knees: PRE TREATMENT: Extreme pain, resulting in doctor referring for replacement surgery. Cane usage for mobility. Identified as handicapped. Stair climbing difficult.
POST TREATMENT 4 MONTHS: Minimal pain. Knee surgery not needed. Able to walk moderate distances without cane. Feel guilty using handicapped parking spaces now. Stair climbing is now comfortable.
2. Blood Pressure:PRE TREATMENT: Taking blood pressure medication for over 10 years for elevated counts.
POST TREATMENT 4 MONTHS: No longer elevated. Stopped taking blood pressure medication but daily measuring of readings.
3. Gout:
PRE TREATMENT: Taking gout medication for over 10 years with uric acid levels high.
POST TREATMENT: Doctor advised no longer need Gout medication.
4. Liver and Lab Results:
PRE TREATMENT: Counts are extremely high for colesterol HDL, Liporoteinas baja Densidad, Lipoproteina muy baja dens. TGO, TGP, Gamme Glutamil Transferasa. Lipasa.
POST TREATMENT 4 MONTHS: Recent lab work done shows all blood analysis are in the Acceptable/Normal range. When I showed my family doctor the results from Mexico, he was surprised at the thoroughness and was intrigued with the results of my stem cell treatment.
5. Digestive Issues – Inflammatory bowel disease –
PRE TREATMENT: Eating out and eating in general has been an issue for quite a while – within minutes, extreme pain and diarrhea.
POST TREATMENT: No longer a concern. 90% of any issues are now gone. I can enjoy eating again.
6. Gangion cysts:
PRE TREATMENT – Large growths on my right hand that doctor had already booked surgery for removal, which would result in reduced functionality for 2-3 months.
POST TREATMENT 4 MONTHS: The ganglions have all but disappeared and surgery was cancelled.
7. Bonus: People I haven’t seen in a while have asked if I’ve had any facework done.
Ted B. Age 691. Both Shoulder Rotator Cuffs, right knee, neck, lower back, right arm at elbow due to prior year breakage.
PRE TREATMENT: Extreme pain with movement. Limited mobility.
POST TREATMENT 4 MONTHS: All movement mostly painfree. Mobility almost normal.
2. Facial – noticeable improvement in the texture and tightness of wrinkles on face and neck.
We both have noticed an increased improvement in our energy levels, our sleeping patterns and have a general calmness.
Thanks very muchTed & Lidia

They gave us permission to post this and we are so happy for them!
To learn more about the 100 million stem cells IV Treatment just Click This blue text.