Autistic 3 year old Stem Cell Therapy – IV + Intrathecal
Hi this is Josh with Dream Body Clinic, what you’re going to see here is a patient, three years old with autism. Unfortunately. So what we’ve done here is we’ve created a protocol. We keep refining it. And what we’re doing is we’re doing an IV first of at least 1.4 million per pound of body weight. So for this child that ended up being an IV of 100 million STEM cells, we then did, and we have to do this in the operating room with our anesthesiologist who in fact has to bring in a second anesthesiologist to help with this.
But we do an intrathecal injection and they allowed me to scrub in on this one in the operating room and actually like film this for you. So you’ll see that here. It’s real simple process. The child is sedated with it’s a gas that they use. They’re in the operating room, put to sleep for just a few minutes.
It’s it’s about five, 10 minute procedure, all in all child’s asleep on their side, just like we do an adult, but with the children, they can tend to, especially at this age and spasm different things. So we’ve got one anesthesiologist, you know, managing the, uh, the gas. We have a nurse in there, just making sure that.
The second anesthesiologist, dr. Torres has everything he needs. He’s been able to put it directly in intro equally into the spinal fluid and put 25 million STEM cells there into the spinal fluid, which will go straight to the brain and help the children create new neural connections. It also, uh, the STEM cells can create Greil or help with the glial cells and axioms.
These are cells in the brain that their job is actually to remove weights and a big problem with autism and most brain diseases. And even for normal people is that we build up a lot of debris and waste there in the brain. It’s very tough to remove. So this helps remove that. If we get better connections, we get better function.
So this child is you’ll see, actually, uh, the next day his mom actually sent a video or he was giving her a high five. We also do nebulize sessions where they breathe it in. Goes to mucous membrane goes to the brain. And for those sessions, like his mom was explaining it actually started saying a few new words. He hadn’t said before. So really quick progression. We’re seeing that very fast now with these insured vehicle injections. In fact, two weeks ago, we had a patient that was five years old that did the insured vehicle and.
I mean, he was making eye contact with his parents. And even with me a total, you know, stranger for him within, you know, the next day, or actually it was later that afternoon, we did the intro eco that morning by 5:00 PM. We were doing the followup nebulized and the kid direct eye contact. It was really incredible.
So we’re seeing some really incredible results of that. This isn’t a newer treatment. We’ve only been doing it a few months. Our anesthesiologist has been doing these kinds of injections. It should be really for almost a decade. So it’s, it’s nothing crazy for him. We take all the precautions. That’s why we do it in the operating room for children to make sure it’s zero complications or anything.
And we’re seeing great results. We do this for adults too, but that we can just do in a sterile room in our clinic. That’s very simple. So hoping a lot of people would love to help you and answer any questions that you might have. So get ahold of us. Uh, the website is, where you can call me directly at (833) 445-9089.