The following correspondance was with a recent patient that received our Hip Stem Cell Treatment with 44 million stem cells mixed with PRP. Here is what she had to say:
Hi Josh, just wanted to send you and the group at Dreambody clinic my sincere thanks for all the care and attention I received getting my hip stem cells on Tuesday. Everyday I find I am able to walk more and more normally. It’s amazing how quickly the stem cells are working. After all the years of my hip bothering me I can definitely see a huge difference in just 3 days. I actually have been walking the beach everyday this week. That’s something I wouldn’t have thought I’d be able to accomplish so quickly.
The stomach injections of placenta are a bit tender, as you pre warned me they would be, but no real discomfort. More like having a bruise than anything.
I’m going home today and will keep you posted on my progress.
My doctors, in Canada, were insisting I needed a complete hip replacement as soon as possible. They told me I had advanced osteoarthritis! After an MRI, this past week, I find out that stem cells will be able to help me heal without surgery. What a relief!
Your clinic is providing folks with opportunities that can change their lives and add so much to their overall well being. I’m certainly a fan of stem cells and will be returning next year to try out your anti aging stem cell treatments along with my husband. Again, I can’t thank you all enough as this is life changing for me.

Cheers Melody
I then asked if it was okay to post this as a stem cell hip treatment testimonial and she responded with:
Hi there. Yes pls post. It’s 11 days now and am even better than the last email it’s working so fast. I walked up stairs unaided today. First time in 2 yrs. I’m also noticing that the liver spots I face are fading. This is a hereditary thing that the women on my moms side all have had. I wonder if they will disappear in time. Walking is almost normal now. I’d say 80 percent. Can’t wait to see what happens after a month. I’ll keep you posted. Many thanks to you and your team. This is proving to be life changing for me. My husband sends his heartfelt thanks too. Let me know when a good time for you guys to talk about autism. Dave says he’d love to be of help.
Here are the screenshots to verify:
Here are the screenshots to verify: