What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?
You might be asking, what is HGH – Human Growth Hormone? The Dreambody Clinic has the answers about the HGH. It is a 191 chain polypeptide amino acid produced in the pituitary gland. You are probably still wondering, what is HGH? We will break down this amazing medication in this article.
HGH was first used to treat children that had pituitary gland issues, causing them to not grow properly. They were able to synthesize HGH in the late 1950’s and that is what we use as medication today. It is a bio-identical hormone, so your body can’t tell the difference between it and what you naturally produce. So enough history, let’s get back to what is HGH?
HGH was quickly adopted by the bodybuilding community and then sports community. They realized early on that HGH provided enhanced cardiovascular function, rapid healing and strength increases. It has been one of the most used performance enhancing drugs since the 1970’s.
It wasn’t until the 1990’s that people started to look at HGH for it’s rejuvenation properties. A number of doctors came out in support for HGH being the modern fountain of youth. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence to back this up, but not that much in the way of published studies. This is because any study involving aging needs a lifetime to even get going and the money just isn’t their in the research arena to support this. So we are left with small studies and observational reports from users.
What Can HGH do For Me?
Let’s dig deeper into what is HGH and look at what can the HGH do for me? There may not be any study that directly proves HGH as the fountain of youth, but there are plenty of effects it causes that can’t be denied. HGH has been conclusively proven to improve cardiovascular performance. An article came out in the London Telegraph called, Worst to First. It laid out how if you were the worst olympic sprinter for a year and then started using HGH that you would win your next races. So for the average guy or gal this means you will have more endurance.
Improve Sleep with HGH
At The Dreambody Clinic we have been helping people to get rejuvenation doses of HGH legallly for over 5 years. The most consistent, positive feedback we get about HGH is sleep improvement. Every person reports that they are either sleeping deeper or they are sleeping less, but feel so much better because the sleep is so much deeper. So what is HGH in regards to sleep? HGH helps you to get into deep REM sleep and this equates to better sleep overall.
Strength Gains with HGH
What is HGH in regards to strength gains? I think this one benefits scares off the most people, while also being one of the most attractive benefits. Most people don’t want to become a bodybuilder. They simply want to look better naked. HGH will not turn you into Arnold. HGH has been associated with bodybuilding because at extreme doses and used with insulin it will turn you into a freak show. At The Dreambody Clinic we subscribe to the slow and steady wins the race approach. We prescribe doses that will make gain strength like you did in your 20’s. So don’t be scared of extreme strength gains with HGH.
Anti-aging with HGH
What is HGH in regards to anti-aging? HGH has been preached as the fountain of youth for it’s anti aging benefits, but what does this mean? HGH will not necessarily make you look younger. At The Dreambody Clinic, we have found that it really just freezes you in time once started. HGH does this by helping cells to reproduce faster and more efficient. So with better copies of your cells you look better and feel better. The anti-aging effects are not just superficial, but also internal. Human Growth Hormone converts into insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in your liver. IGF-1 repairs tissue. This means cartilage, ligaments, bones, collagen, tendons and every other tissue. So you are becoming younger on the inside. This manifests itself as much better skin tone and more collagen. This makes you look younger and some wrinkles will diminish a bit.
The best example that we have seen is a patient that has been on HGH for over 30 years. He is 73 and doesn’t look a day over 50. This guy actually has no pituitary gland function and because of this has been on human growth hormone so long. He does not produce HGH naturally, so his results are not as good as someone that has a healthy pituitary gland. This is because someone with a healthy pituitary gland will produce the HGH naturally at night and then supplement in the morning with growth hormone.
Fat Loss with HGH
What is HGH in regards to fat loss? Your fat cells have receptors for the HGH. This turns out to be a great thing because when the HGH is injected it immediately binds to these receptors on it’s way to the liver. When attached to fat cells, HGH breaks the fat down into triglycerides. Triglycerides are the building blocks of fat and your body can easily flush them out, unlike fat. So you lose fat just from injecting and then you lose more fat because the HGH increases your metabolism and also binds to muscle cells. When your metabolism increases, you burn fat easier. When you have more muscle cells, you burn fat easier. Growth Hormone will help you burn fat like a teenager.
More about what HGH is
As you can see, what is HGH? Is not such a straight forward question. We continue to learn more about HGH and will continue to post more articles about this amazing 191 chain polypeptide amino acid. If there are any questions you have about HGH just contact us. We will answer any pressing inquiries that you have.
What is the Best HGH?
The best HGH is pharmaceutical HGH. There is a lot of fake HGH out there because of the bodybuilding community. In our opinion the best brands are Pfizer Genotropin, Lilly Humatrope and Novo Nordisk Norditropin. There is no clear cut winner between these because they are all 191 chain amino acid pharmaceutical human growth hormone. It is like trying to decide if aspirin made by Lilly is better than aspirin made by Pfizer, they are both aspirin.
Joshua Ketner The Dreambody Clinic MX +52 322 232 1055 US 424 253 0165 Address San Javier Hospital 3rd floor, Nuevo Vallarta Website www.dreambody.clinic Skpe dreambodyclinic