Stem Cell Anti-Aging – What are stem cells?
Stem Cell Anti-aging starts with understanding what stem cells are. So what are stem cells? There are a few different types of stem cells such as mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The quick break down is that embryonic stem cells can become any type of cell. This sounds good, but they don’t really work for anti-aging or other treatments. This is because they are typically taken from aborted fetus or embryos. They can become any type of cell, but they still want to become a baby and in studies they have been found to cause tumors when injected into people. This is a big reason why people are afraid of stem cell therapies.
Mesenchymal stem cells on the other hand are extremely safe and the best option for stem cell anti-aging. This is because they are only stem cells when manipulated in the lab. In the lab they can be turned into a lot of different types of tissue such as cartilage, fat and muscle. For stem cell anti-aging we don’t want differentiated cells. We want the pure mesenchymal stem cells as they don’t turn into anything else when injected. Instead they act like the manager on the construction site, guiding the cellular repair. They lack what is called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) which is the marker most cells have that tells you what person they belong to. Without HLA the immune system does not respond or attack these mesenchymal stem cells, even if they are derived from another person. Mesenchymal stem cells can best be thought of as the main reason your body heals so fast in your youth. So by administering them to a patient, that patient receives all the benefits of healing like they did as a kid. We will get into more details about how mesenchymal stem cells work for anti-aging in this article.
How can stem cells help with aging?
Stem Cell Anti-Aging is a catch all term for the benefits we see from mesenchymal stem cells in regards to the aging process. The mesenchymal stem cells help in a few crucial areas for anti-aging; internal cell anti-aging, cellular rejuvenation, Telomere extension and through the reduction of inflammation.

1.) Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Internal Cell Anti-Aging
- Stem Cell Anti-Aging starts within each cell. At Dream Body Clinic one of our main tools for stem cell anti-aging is our 100 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cell IV. The IV administration of stem cells allows them to circulate throughout the whole body. While in the body they do a number of things that effect internal cell anti-aging. The first thing they do is interact with the cells in the blood stream. For the immune system this is highly beneficial. They do a quick analysis of immune cells they pass and if any are not functioning properly then they send out cytokines (signaling proteins) and chemokines (signaling chemicals) which essentially reprogram that immune cell to work properly. We like to think of it like uploading a software update to a computer so that it works the right way. This goes on throughout the body and with the immune system working at its highest level it is able to eliminate threats that could reduce or end the aging process. The next thing the stem cells do is a sort of triage of cells they come into contact with while traveling around the body. They do a quick assessment while passing cells and can determine if the cell is perfectly healthy, too weak to save or weak and in need of help. They are able to then connect to the cells that are weak and in need of help via a nano tube they produce. With this nano tube the mesenchymal stem cell can then donate mitochondria which gives the weak cell more energy. This is huge for anti-aging as these weak cells are brought back up to full power. This means more energy for the patient receiving the 100 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cell IV.
2.) Cellular Rejuvenation
- Stem cell anti-aging benefits tremendously from the mesenchymal stem cells ability to guide cellular rejuvenation. Most people think of anti-aging and only think of the way they look in the mirror. That is important, but mobility is extremely important also. The mesenchymal stem cells are able to heal articulation issues that come from a lifetime of movement. The stem cells are able to reverse age related wear and tear in joints such as arthritis, ligament damage, tendon damage, muscle damage and bone damage. There is no point in living to 100 or longer if you have to look and move like a regular 100 year old. Here is a list of articulation treatments we have to help you keep moving like a happy, healthy kid.
- Knee Stem Cell Treatment – 25 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & and MRI
- Shoulder Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & and MRI
- Hip Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & and MRI
- Elbow Stem Cell Treatment – 25 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & and MRI
- Ankle Stem Cell Treatment – 25 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & and MRI
- Plantar Fasciitis Stem Cell Treatment – 25 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & an MRI
- Wrist Stem Cell Treatment – 25 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & an MRI
- Back Treatment – 100 Million MSC around most effected Vertebrae + 100 Million MSC IV
- Herniated Disc Ozone Treatment – Ozone + Stem Cells
3.) Telomere Extension
- Stem cell anti-aging has been proven to extend telomere length in 6 different types of cells. Research continues and they believe that even more cells are receiving this same benefit, but it will take more time to conclude that research. So why is this important for anti-aging? It is very important to stem cell anti-aging because the telomere is what determines how many times a cell can replicate. The telomere is sort of like the tail of the cell. It looks like a double helix dna chain with rungs in the ladder. Every time a cell replicates it loses one of the rungs to that helix ladder. Eventually the cell runs out of rungs and cannot replicate and goes into what is called senescence. Your cells are able to replicate anywhere from 50 to 60 times and this is called the Hayflick Limit. the 100 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cell IV is able to extend the telomere in 6 types of cells which means they can live longer. Hopefully the research will find that more or even all cells receive this telomere extending benefit which means that the patient receiving the stem cell IV can live longer and healthier. To view a study results on telomere extension from mesenchymal stem cell therapy just click here.
4.) Stem Cell Anti-Aging Through Reduction of Inflammation
- Stem cell anti-aging through the reduction of inflammation is a key component to fighting back against disease and aging. Inflammation is often the route cause of many terrible diseases and issues such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, lung conditions and many others. Fortunately mesenchymal stem cells are attracted to inflammation. They will go to the inflamed area and then guide the cellular repair of the route cause of that inflammation. The stem cells first guide the removal of scar tissue. Scar tissue gets in the way of the bodies normal ability to heal. So with it’s removal the stem cells can then guide the regeneration of any damaged tissue. Healing all of the issues causing the inflammation allows your body to get back to homeostasis and running at optimal performance.
What are the benefits of using stem cells to fight aging?
As you can see from the information above, stem cells fight aging on many levels. We are able to fight the internal aspects of aging with stem cells via IV injection, intramuscular injection, intraarticular injection, subcutaneous injection and intrathecal injection.
IV stem cell anti-aging is where most people start in their quest for longevity. This is because the IV is a minimally invasive treatment and gets stem cells throughout the whole body. It also affects the most areas of the body in an anti-aging manner. The stem cells in the IV will fight the aging process on a cellular level and on an immunological level. Though the results are not always visible right away, the effects have long lasting implications. The 100 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cell IV is the go to treatment for anti-aging at Dream Body Clinic.
Intramuscular stem cell anti-aging is a less common use to fight off aging, but it has it’s benefits. Muscle deterioration as we age becomes a problem for everyone. This is most prevalent in the lower back. It seems like everyone will deal with chronic back pain as they age. There are techniques and tricks to fend this off, but nothing works better than mesenchymal stem cells. They are able to strengthen the back muscles and they send out neurotrophic factors that guide neurons to regenerate nerves. Many times back pain comes in conjunction with nerve pain such as sciatica. The stem cells are able to guide the neurons to rebuild the nerves around issues like herniated discs which means no more nerve pain. A bad back can make you age faster than you could believe. So we offer the Stem Cell Back Treatment to relieve this aging issue.
Intraarticular Stem Cell anti-aging is so important, yet not thought of as an anti-aging treatment enough. Intraarticular stem cell treatments are able to heal cartilage loss or damage (arthritis), damaged ligaments, damaged tendons, damaged labrums, damaged meniscus, muscle damage or even bone damage. Fixing your joints means fixing your mobility. If your mobility is effected then your ability to work out or improve cardiovascular exercises is reduced. Reduced cardiovascular activity leads to heart issues and we all know where a bad heart leads to. So if you want to avoid a heart issue that would cut your anti-aging journey short it is best to fix bad joints. We don’t want you to have to seek out our Congestive Heart Failure or Heart Attack Stem Cell Treatment. Instead you can heal a bad knee, shoulder, hip, elbow, wrist, ankle, finger, or toe with mesenchymal stem cell therapy. This will keep you mobile, which keeps aging at bay. Never stop moving.
Intrathecal Stem Cell anti-aging applies to reversing brain related aging. If your brain goes then your body goes so it is best to keep your brain in a state of peak performance. Intrathecal injection stem cells means that a highly skilled anesthesiologist is able to inject stem cells directly into the spinal fluid. There is no blood brain barrier to deal with so the mesenchymal stem cells to go direct to the brain. Once in the brain they go to work improving the immune system and clearing out anything that can be interrupting brain function. To better understand how the stem cells work to fight off aging in the brain, check out our Alzheimer’s Stem Cell Treatment page. Even if Alzheimer’s is of no concern to you, this page explains very well how the stem cells influence macrophages, astrocytes, neurons and other aspects of brain to help it function better.