Hello, this is Josh with Dream Body Clinic, and today we are going to talk about the ultimate guide to HGH – human growth hormone therapy. I have personally been HGH for the past 11 years at a low dose, about 1.8 IU per day, and I love it. So I want to go through and explain all the ins and outs, how it works, what it’s good for, what it’s not good for, why it might be a good fit for you, and why it might not be.
You know, I think people have this misconception about HGH. They think it’s just this magic shot that can fix anything. HGH has amazing benefits, but it is a very subtle medication. You don’t even feel like you’re on anything at first, and we’ll get into all of that. So, let’s just start off with what is human growth hormone?
HGH is 191 chain polypeptide amino acid. What that means is that it’s a protein peptide that already exists in your body. HGH is produced in our pituitary gland. We produces it in high volumes when we are younger and then after the age of 30 production significantly declines. It helps you to grow when we are young then as adults it helps us to heal.
HGH helps with tissue development because it converts into what’s called IGF one, insulin-like growth factor one in your liver. So this helps you to build more tissue, to grow taller, all of those things. And as we get older, we produce less and less. You hit your pinnacle of HGH production around age 25. At the age of 30 we slowly decline production at a rate of about 10% to 20% less per decade.
Once you’re to age 30, it just starts declining more and more. Think of the life cycle. You grow up, you have kids, you raise those kids. Nature wants to start getting you out of that life cycle. So part of that is downregulating your hormones. Testosterone, growth hormone and other hormone levels decrease to weaken you. Fortunately we know that this happens and we have ways to counteract it.
So growth hormone was discovered back in like the 1940’s. Then in the 1960’s they found a way too produce it was actually by using the cadavers, the pituitary gland of cadavers. So they were basically taking dead people growth hormone and then injecting that and that eventually led to issues because, kids that they were using it for to grow taller were coming down with what’s called Creutzfeldt Jacobson Disease. This was basically mad cow for humans. So the scientists and doctors stopped that process. In the early 1980’s they discovered recumbent HGH, which is what all pharmaceutical growth hormone is now. Technically recumbent human growth hormone made in the lab.
Most of it is grown on the back of an e-coli strand and they filter out the e-coli and are left with just bioidentical human growth hormone. And it is bioidentical. Your body can’t actually tell the difference between what you’re injecting and what you naturally produce, so there’s no feedback loop mechanism.
You produce so much when you’re a child, you can never get back up to those levels or would cost a fortune to do it. There is no shutdown of your natural production. I’ve been on it for 10 years and my IGF one resting rate has been about one 50 since I was, was 30 years. I turned 40 in two weeks and just had blood work done and I’m still at one 50 if I’m not injecting.
Human Growth hormone is a bit tricky to figure out what your levels are at. The best way to find out how well your HGH is working is to inject two and a half hours to 3 hours before they take the blood sample. Two and a half to three, and that is going to give you your peak range from the injected recumbent human growth hormone. Make sure they are testing your IGF-1 levels. Most people are between 100 to 200 naturally. We believe that an IGF-1 level of 300 or higher is optimal.
HGH is not commonly prescribed for adult use. The medical system does not consider aging a disease and the medical system has very little focus on prevention. I know doctors that have been jailed for prescribing over 1IU per day in the USA. They seem to be ok with 1IU per day doses, but anything over that is considered off label use. HGH is normally prescribed for children that are severely underdeveloped or HIV muscle wasting patients. Healthy adults will have to check out the legal fly and buy program at Dream Body Clinic to get it legally – https://dreambody.clinic/index.php/human-growth-hormone-hgh-treatment/
It is near impossible to get a legal prescription for HGH and even if you did the price is outrageous. The manufactured brands of HGH like Pfizer Genotropin or Novo Nordisk Norditropin know that insurance will pay for prescribed HGH in the USA. So they jack the price up to 5 times the cost in comparison to places like Mexico.
The anti-aging effects of growth hormone are incredible. You inject into your stomach fat, which is a subcutaneous injection. That’s the best way to inject it, to get the best results when it goes in subcutaneous. Your fat cells have receptors for human growth hormone, so it binds to the fat cells when it binds to them it actually creates a process called lipolysis. That is your body’s natural way of removing and using fat for energy so it can increase energy. I think people get confused thinking the growth hormone just makes you your energy increase, but it’s actually that lipolysis effect converting the fat into usable energy.
I think HGH gets overhyped in the sense that people think they’re just gonna have all this crazy energy because they’re on growth hormone and that is not how it works. Let’s be honest, everybody has trouble getting through the day. You know, you’re gonna hit parts where you’re tired, where you’re kind of just going slow down. That happens to everyone. Growth hormone will make a big difference. In the afternoons, you don’t get as much of a dip, but you’re still gonna get a dip. It’s not like it completely gets rid of that. It does help with fat loss, does help with energy, but it’s subtle. Like you don’t really notice it until you stop using it.
I’d say you notice it most when you’ve been on it for like six months and you stopped taking it for a couple weeks and all of a sudden you’re like, afternoon. You’re just kind of like dragging ass, not feeling so great, and you realize, hey, that growth hormone was really helping with energy levels. So fat and energy levels first.
Then it binds to muscle cells and helps to retain that muscle. I think people compare it with steroids all the time, and it doesn’t do that. What it mainly does is it helps you retain muscle. So your body wants to keep a proper homeostasis, it wants your metabolism in range. Your body doesn’t want too much muscle because a lot of muscle is tough to maintain. There are anabolic effects, but they are mild so not a lot of muscle development with HGH unless it is paired with insulin.
No. What it does is you’ll hold onto it. So if you’re hitting the gym, doing your diet right. You’re going to, instead of having these parabolic curves where you know, like you’re kicking ass at the gym for two months, but then you take two weeks off, boom, and you’re right back to where you started. I mean, that’s happened to me.
I think it’s happened to everyone. At some point when you’re on growth hormone, you just flat line. , and I’m a great example of this. When I started, I was 30 years old. I’m six two. I was 180 pounds at the time. Now, I have also been on testosterone replacement therapy since I was 30, just 250 milligrams of testosterone, either suson or um, enate, depending on what I’m using at the time.
But I’ve been consistent at that dose for the past 10 years. That does build muscle too. But, um, that’s more building the muscle growth hormone maintained it. I am 240 pounds right now and I don’t have a lot of fat, like hardly any, so it’s really good for maintaining that. And in fact, I just took a two and a half month break from the gym because of a torn tricep tendon.
I couldn’t work out, I had a 50% tear. Fortunately we do senal stem cells. Put stem cells in, took a break healed up, but I didn’t lose any of that muscle that I’ve built over the past 10 years. I stayed at like 2 35 and it, it didn’t move, and I’m back in the gym now and I’m already getting back to where I was.
So it’s. Incredible for that. So muscle retention. So bodybuilders have made this real popular and I think it gets confused there a lot because they are doing doses like 10, 20, 30 iu and they have to use insulin with it to make it, you know, that’s when it really opens up the cells and that’s why guys are so much bigger on stage these days than they were back when, say like Arnold was competing.
It’s really the growth hormone is just that added thing that. It makes cells grow. It’s crazy how effective it is, but you have to really abuse it, and it’s super expensive and it’s super dangerous because of the insulin. You could easily go into glycemic shock and never wake up. In fact, I think that’s what happens to a lot of these bodybuilders and why they, you know, it’s not really the steroids that usually get ’em.
It’s usually the insulin. So growth hormones, super safe. It doses up to six iu. I do two IU go up to four iu. That’s usually the highest we dose here at Dream Body Clinic. Now let’s continue that process. So we went fat muscle retention. . Then you have certain memory cells that have receptors. So it gets to your brain on this process, on its path to the liver and those memory cells.
They will just work better. Basically, you’re going to have better replication, helps with memory and it’s not that noticeable, but uh, they’ve done studies on it and it does appear to be an effect. So, hey, who doesn’t want their brain working better? Right? Then it gets to your liver and it converts into IGF one.
Insulin light growth factor one. IGF one is a big factor in repairing tissue. So we have seen patients. One great example was a patient came to us many years ago. Who had been in a huge car crash in Costa Rica, got T-bone nearly died, nearly had his whole arm severed and had to get airlifted back to the US where they fixed him up.
But he came to us a few weeks after they let him out of the hospital and in a sling, you know, cast all this, the guy started doing four IU a day, a growth hormone with. He came back four and a half months later, he’s doing windmills with his arm. I mean, it was incredible it that fast of a recovery. They were worried that if he’d ever be able to use his arm again, all that extra IGF one, let him heal faster.
So really, really great for fresh injuries if it’s an older injury. It can help with pain reduction and with helping, keeping it from getting worse. But typically fibrosis sets in within the first couple weeks of an injury and growth hormone. It’s not gonna fix your arthritis, it’s not gonna fix, you know, like your torn ligaments, torn tendons, things like that.
It’ll keep ’em from getting worse, but it’s not gonna heal them. If you want to heal those things. You want to look into mesenchymal stem cells. Expanded cells like we’re able to do here in Mexico. Um, you can see that on our site too. They’re at www dot during body clinic, but that’s, I get a lot of people that, you know, coming to us because they want these different injury things.
If it’s a fresh injury. It will help. But uh, if it’s an older injury, you definitely wanna look other routes. So again, it’s not right for everything. I don’t want people thinking growth hormone just fixes everything. Again, it’s very subtle and it has a lot of anti-aging benefits. It seems to slow down the aging process, which, who doesn’t want that?
Every celebrity use. Most pro athletes use it because it does help cardiovascular endurance, but it’s a long-term thing. So if you want it to slow the aging process it, it’s, I look at it as like a lifelong commitment. I started at 30 and I’ll probably use it the rest of my life now. This is where doctors in the US come in and say, oh, well, All that extra IGF one, you’re gonna get cancer or tumor at some point, and certain tumors feed off IGF one, so you’re gonna get cancer and you’re gonna die.
But we’re not seeing this, you know, we’ve had patients on it much longer than me with no issues and a lot of other patients on it, as long as me. We’ve never had a cancer scare, anything like that. You would have to know you had cancer and keep taking it to even risk having an issue. And even then, they don’t have studies on that because who would be unethical enough to do that study.
Um, another great example is my own mom. Years ago I finally convinced her to get on Grove Hormone. She loves playing tennis. That’s like her life. Well, she didn’t tell me she had like a spot on her nose and on her shoulder that she was gonna have to go in and get biopsied to check for melanoma. She started the growth hormone two weeks later, gets the biopsy results back.
It is melanoma. She calls me freaking out, Josh, what do I do? How do you know is this? Am I gonna die? You know, I mean, who wouldn’t be scared? Especially if what all the doctors say up there. I’m like, calm down, mom. We’re all good. Stop taking it. Growth hormone is only in your system for about 12 to 18 hours, so it’s in and out of your system very fast.
You’d have to know you had that melanoma, not remove the melanoma and keep injecting to have an issue. So she quit taking it. She’s never had any, um, other issues with cancer, anything since she hasn’t gotten back on growth hormone. You know, she didn’t keep doing it and she’s good. So the cancer thing is a big myth.
It’s not something to really stress about unless you have a history of cancer or, you know, know that you have it and want to take it wouldn’t be a good fit. Um, we have a patient that he’s about as high up in the government, on the military side of the medical facility in Washington, DC that can. And he has straight told me that, uh, you know, the, there are more studies on human growth hormone in the military than you could ever imagine.
It’s extremely healthy, extremely beneficial, but we give it to our top end soldiers and we don’t want the other countries knowing what we’re doing, all of those things. So those studies will never be released. It is totally, you know, top secret, all of that we. and he said it’ll never come out, but he knows it’s beneficial.
He’s had some brain damage in the past and it’s the only thing that really helps him. So he’s a good example of that. We have a ton of doctors from across the United States in Canada that actually come to us because it’s much cheaper to fly down here to Mexico to get it and fly back with it legally.
So there’s that. Um, it does all these different things. It’s incredible for, and that’s just for healthy adults. You know, it, you get the anti-aging, the fat loss, muscle development, memory, all these different benefits, and that’s what human growth hormone can do for you. If you’d like to look into it now, it, it is pretty expensive.
I mean, it’s not crazy, but if you look at our website, you can see prices there, all of that. So, It. It’s more on the vanity side. For most men, it’s usually better to start with testosterone replacement therapy if energy or muscle development are the goals. But if you’ve got the money and you feel like, I want to take this the next step, I want the long-term health benefits.
I want to be preventative, not reactive. It’s the best thing in the world, in my opinion. So that’s what growth hormone can do for healthy. And then we also get a lot of children, I call them superstar parents that, uh, know that their kid wants to be a pro athlete or just wants to feel more confident at school to be taller.
Growth hormone works incredible. . You know, we’ve had kids all the way down from 10 years old all the way up to 20, and this is how it works. So your growth plates typically for women fuse at age 18 for men. Age 21. That means all the way up till age 18 for women or 21 for men. You can still grow taller.
Growth hormone will help you grow taller. We’ve got kind of a, a nice, uh, stock of, you know, children that are doing incredible future pro athletes at some of these top high schools over on the east coast of the us. For baseball, for football, for tennis, you know those special schools where you play those sports most of the day.
And this isn’t something they can test for, nor do they test for children, even for adults. Like they can’t test other than your IGF one numbers. So it doesn’t conflict with anything. I would say most pro-athletes probably use it. Um, but for kids to get that extra height, it’s unreal. Um, we’ve got one kid, he’s, you know, his dad was a running back in the nfl.
Got injured, you know, couldn’t keep playing because of it, and. , he was an incredible athlete. And then he shows me, you know, some video of his son just bobbing in weave and it was unreal how fast this kid was and really small. I think he was like eight or nine at the time. Got a little bit older but wasn’t getting tall enough.
So dad’s, you know, convinced him, Hey, football’s not the way to go. NFL stands for not for long , but, uh, he, he went, he’s like, do. Bigger contracts, longer career, better overall. So he did, but he wasn’t tall enough. I mean, you usually have to be like my height or taller to play most sports now. It’s pretty crazy.
So we got him on growth hormone. I mean this kid muscle development. He just got so shredded over time because he’s training every day, he’s keeps growing. He can grow anywhere from like one to three. on two IU a day, you go up to four iu, you can get like anywhere from like two to five inches in a year.
So it’s slow. We prefer the two iu if you have time. Slow and steady. My daughter was 14. I put her on two IU because she wanted to be taller. Um, my wife’s real short and she said she wish she had had that option. Um, she’s not my biological daughter, so she doesn’t have the same genetics as me, but, uh, a bit shorter, but she grew.
And it worked really well. I think she grew about four inches over the course of a year and a half, and that was three inches, and that was enough that, you know, she’s 18 now and she’s taller than almost anyone in her class. You know, it worked against me. I thought she’d be taller. All the boys here, but, uh, now she came home with the, the only boy in town, taller than me.
That was tough. But, uh, you know, good for her. It’s all working out so it can really help kids and it’s super safe. I mean, that’s truly, it’s FDA pharmaceutical use in the United States. It’s just, you kind of have to go around their, their messed up system to get it, which is what we do. So that’s with adults, with kids, and.
You know, there is a big market for this on the black market because p, you know, bodybuilders want it, guys hitting the gym. All the bros want it. They’ve heard, you know, magical stories, but it’s expensive and they cut corners. Growth hormone has to be refrigerated. Actually, have a fridge right here next to me.
I’ve got my growth hormone in there right now. with that shipping is not gonna work. You know the Pfizer Geno Tropin, it’s a powder in one section, bacteriostatic water in the other, and you twist and mix it. It’s pretty stable. But even then, if you leave it at room temperature for more than a month, it will go inert.
The novanortis norditropin is already liquid through the whole thing. Oh, and you can see there how tiny that little will it focus. Yeah. Tiniest needle ever. and this one’s already liquid. This one’s stable for up to three weeks once you take it out of the fridge and start using it, uh, up to 77 degrees, which is nice for traveling and such.
But if I were to just leave those on the ground or in the warehouse and not refrigerate them, I mean within three weeks they’d be no good. So you have to keep these refrige. I have a pharmacy license here in Mexico, so I mean, I’ve been to the warehouse. They keep these all refrigerated brought to us and temperature controlled bags.
Very, very sterile, you know, controlled process. So the people shipping it nine times outta 10 are shipping fakes. There’s a lot of fake stuff outta China. Now most of the fakes are coming out of Turkey, and I went to Turkey earlier this year to look into this. They’re, the pens look nearly identical, but the box is completely different.
Um, the real box should say 36 iu, 12 milligram, nice and clean. You can recognize the font, but with the ones from Turkey, it’s completely different. Completely obvious, and those are usually 192 chain amino acid or there’s something completely different. So you don’t want those because the 191 chain amino acid, the real stuff is bioidentical and won’t shut down your natural production.
The 192 chain is not bioidentical. And your pituitary gland will start to recognize it, or your immune system will, and it’ll start attacking the pituitary gland. I all the time, see, I mean, we do blood work for every patient. I see guys all the time that have been buying stuff from China or Turkey online, and they’re IGF-1scores like 30 or 40, and that’s terrible.
you know, for someone in their thirties or even in their forties, um, you know, normal range is like a hundred to 200 is pretty normal in that range. So don’t mess up your pituitary gland just to save some money because it has long-term effects. Don’t get the fakes because you don’t know what you’re getting and you’re putting this injection into your body.
It’s not safe. You know, I’ve seen crazy infections. I’ve seen crazy side effects from the fake stuff. Not what you want. The real stuff has almost no side effects. The extent of side effects is that we’ve seen you could develop some carpal tunnel, you know, do this stretch. That helps. And if it really got bad, you can just stop taking it.
And usually if take, stop taking it for like two weeks, it’s building up water, you know, retention in the joints and in the risks. That can be tricky. It’s not a lot of. So you just stop taking it and in two weeks it, it’ll go away in that timeframe, start taking growth again and hey, maybe in like six months it might come back.
So it’s pretty easy to get around that. Another trick is just hang from a pull-up bar that will actually like loosen up some of the space there, get rid of that. So there’s easy ways to deal with that. Um, other than that, you could have some water retention, but we’ve never. Any, any sort of massively negative side effect that’s been like a little carpal tunnel, little extra water weight retention.
That’s it. Super safe, um, super healthy in my opinion. But, uh, do your own research. That’s just our breakdown of it, but, uh, That’s pretty much it. Ultimate guide to human growth hormone. If you have questions, we do free consultations. We’re happy to help out. There’s so much bad information out there. It’s so confusing.
All the bro science versus the real science and man, even some of the real sciences out there trying to keep it cuz they don’t want happy, healthy adults that think for themselves. Governments don’t like that, big pharma doesn’t like that. This fixes the main issues. , you know, they want you hooked on all kinds of other pills.
They, they don’t want you being healthy, living longer, looking younger, all of that. So if you want help, you can check out our website, www.dreambody.clinic. Scroll down it, uh, you’ll see all the treatments listed first. You’ll see stem cells, and you’ll see the growth hormonal a little ways down. There’s also a link in the menu.
It says HGH. It explains in depth how our program works, the legalities of. And I mean, we work, like I said, top government officials in the us. We’ve had doctors from US and Canada and the UK and Europe. It’s totally legal to all these places. No problem. The places it doesn’t work. Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, your custom agents are just too hardcore.
They don’t let you in with it. So those are the only countries that doesn’t work anywhere else. It works. Call us toll free. We have a US toll free number for US or Canada. It’s (833) 445-9089. Or if you’re on WhatsApp, signal or Telegram, you can contact us at +523222321055. info@dreambodyclinic.net
I’m Josh, Happy to Help