Stem Cell Questions
Stem Cell Question 1
Can you compare your treatment to an injection clinic in US? I’ve been researching, and there are clinics very close to me in Ohio in the US, but I can’t tell how the treatments are different.
Stem Cell Answer 1
Our clinic is located in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We are here because we can do real mesenchymal stem cell treatments that are not available in the USA due to crazy regulation by the FDA. In the USA the FDA allows doctors to take fat from a liposuction or bone marrow and then put it in a centrifuge to separate the cells in liquid from the tissue. They add an enzyme called Collagenase that breaks down peptide bonds and because of adding this enzyme that naturally occurs in your own body, it is now classified as a medication instead of a treatment. So the FDA makes these doctors re-inject that liquid with cells back into the patient that same day. They call this stem cells, but it is not as only 1% of those cells are actually mesenchymal stem cells. You get a few thousand stem cells with the stem cell treatments in the US. We use Tens or Hundreds of millions of stem cells to get far superior results. Our stem cells are derived from placenta and umbilical tissue because this tissue lacks human leukocyte antigen (HLA). HLA is the protein in tissue that tells your body if it is yours or not. So since this tissue lacks HLA there is no risk of rejection. These stem cells are also from the youngest tissue possible which means they replicate the fastest. This is important as we can culture billions of cells in a day. By using tens of millions of stem cells for articulations like knees, elbows and shoulders we are able to completely regenerate ligaments, tendons, meniscus, muscle and bone issues with no negative side effects. The lab we work with has been at this for 16 years. All tissue and cells are third party lab tested for efficacy and safety – see here – founder of the lab, Dr. Jose Medina Flores has twice been awarded honors by the Mexican Senate for his research and work. He is an OB/GYN with his PHD in Cellular Biology. This all started 16 years ago with his PHD thesis where he took bicep biopsies from patients with incontinence. He isolated the mesenchymal stem cells and then cultured them. They were the administered via IV and he healed these peoples issues. He then moved on to treat type 2 diabetes and articulations.
Stem Cell Question 2
Do the clinics in the US still help with all the same conditions, and they just can’t say it because of the FDA? I noticed they only mention being able to help with joint pain and such, but nothing related to other conditions. I thought maybe it’s because they aren’t allowed to say they can treat other conditions even if they still do.
Stem Cell Answer 2
The US based treatments can help with the same issues, but to a significantly less degree. Plus they are restricted by HIPPA laws about claiming any succeses or calling anything a cure or remedy even if it is.
Stem Cell Question 3
Some other clinics in Mexico are much less cost than yours. And again, I’m not sure how to compare different treatments or clinics. If they still do mesenchymal stem cell through an IV, what’s the difference?
Stem Cell Answer 3
There may be clinics with a lower price in Mexico, but I work with the best lab. Stem Cells are not regulated in Mexico so it is the wild west. I spent a lot of time researching and investigating to find the best. Our lab has 16 years experience and the founder dr. Flores has won 2 awards from the Mexican Senate for his research. I actually split ways with my old business partner because he wanted to work with a lab that I couldn’t even find their office because it didn’t exist. We provide a 3rd party lab analysis of our stem cells to ensure that you are getting what we promise. See example here – IV treatments are best for autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative disease or anti-aging while Intra-articular injections are best for joints like knees, elbows, shoulder and back because these areas get little bloodflow. So let me know what you are dealing with and I can give an analysis with more info.
Stem Cell Question 4
Is there a reason you don’t use Adipose with SVF? I’ve read about other clinics who use a combination of umbilical chord stem cells along with Adipose/SVF stem cells.
Stem Cell Answer 4
We could do adipose, but I see no reason to do it. A mesenchymal stem cell acts the same in the body no matter where it came from. Dr. Arnold Caplan the man that named them mesenchymal stem cells explains that well here – My sister in law is a doctor and she is trained in fat derived stem cells. Her training patient was 35. After isolating the mesenchymal stem cells, which is something we can do here and can’t be done in the USA or Canada. It took 4 weeks to culture 10 million stem cells. The older you are the slower your cells replicate and it is exponentially worse the older you are. A 65 year old would only get tens of thousands of stem cells from adipose that is isolated and cultured. You can only replicate a stem cell 11 times before it starts to have mutated cells. Our lab only replicates to 9 times to ensure no bad stem cells.
Stem Cell Question 5
How much ahead of time do you need to schedule something?
Stem Cell Answer 5
We need at least a weeks notice.
Stem Cell Question 6
What is the total number of days I should expect to be in Nuevo Vallarta?
Stem Cell Answer 6
We need you to be in town for 4 days. Day 1 rest. Day 2 Blood panel and MRI if needed. Day 3 – Treatment. Day 4 Leave.
Joshua Ketner Dreambody Clinic Toll Free 833-445-9089 MX +52 322 232 1055 US 424-253-0165 Address: San Javier Hospital 3rd floor, Nuevo Vallarta Website Skpe: dreambodyclinic |