New technique models brain cells in older patients more accurately than ever before
Despite the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease, there are still no treatments, in part because it has been a challenge to study how the disease develops. Now, scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered new insights into what goes wrong during Alzheimer’s by developing neurons that resemble, more accurately than ever, the brain cells of older patients. And like the patients themselves, the affected neurons seem to lose their cellular identity.
The findings, published April 27, 2021 in the journal Cell Stem Cell, showed that these brain cells are characterized by markers of stress and changes in which cells become less specialized. Interestingly, many of the alterations observed in these cells are similar to those observed in cancer cells, another disease related to aging.
“We know that the risk of Alzheimer’s increases exponentially with age, but due to an incomplete understanding of age-dependent pathogenesis, it has been difficult to develop effective treatments,” says Professor and Salk President Rusty Gage, lead author of the paper. “Better models of the disease are vital to reaching the underlying drivers of this relationship.”
In a previous study, the Gage lab had shown a new way in which skin samples can be used to create brain cells. These induced neurons more accurately reflect the age of the person from whom they come (as opposed to neurons made from the most commonly used induced pluripotent stem cells). The new study builds on that finding and is the first to use skin cells from people with Alzheimer’s to create induced neurons that have the characteristics of neurons found in patients’ brains.
“The vast majority of Alzheimer’s cases occur sporadically and have no known genetic cause,” says Jerome Mertens, adjunct adjunct professor at Salk and first author of the paper, who was also involved in that earlier work. “Our goal here was to see if the induced neurons we generated from Alzheimer’s patients could teach us something new about the changes that take place in these cells when the disease develops.”
In current research, researchers collected skin cells from 13 patients with age-related sporadic Alzheimer’s. They also used cells from three people who have the rarest hereditary form of the disease. As a control, they collected skin cells from 19 people who were matched by age but did not have Alzheimer’s. Using a specialized type of skin cells called fibroblasts, they generated induced neurons from each of the cell donors. They then compared the molecular differences in cells between those who had Alzheimer’s with the cells of those who did not.
The researchers found that induced neurons made from cells of people with Alzheimer’s had distinctive features that were different from the cells of healthy control subjects. On the one hand, Alzheimer’s cells lacked synaptic structures, which are important for sending signals to each other. They also had changes in their signaling pathways, which control cell function, indicating that the cells were stressed. In addition, when the researchers analyzed cell transcriptomes, a type of analysis that shows what proteins cells are producing, they found that Alzheimer’s-induced neurons had molecular signatures very similar to the immature nerve cells found in the developing brain.
According to Mertens, who is also an assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck in Tyrol, Austria, neurons appear to have lost their mature identity, and this dedifferentiation, in which cells lose their specialized characteristics, has also been described in cancer. cells. It suggests that the finding opens the door to new studies.
“While more research is needed, the changes associated with the transformation of these cells represent potential targets for therapeutics,” adds Gage.
Other authors of the study were Joseph R. Herdy, Larissa Traxler, Simon T. Schafer, Lena Böhnke, Dylan A. Reid, Hyungjun Lee, Dina Zangwill, Diana P. Fernandes, Ravi K. Agarwal, Raffaella Lucciola, Shani Stern and Apua CM Paquola de Salk; Johannes C.M. Schlachetzki, Christopher K. Glass, Shauna H. Yuan, Lawrence S.B. Goldstein and Douglas Galasko of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD); Lucia Zhou-Yang, Lukas Karbacher and Frank Edenhofer of the University of Innsbruck; Steve Horvath of the University of Haifa in Israel; Manching Ku of the University of Freiburg in Germany; and Attila Szücs from Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary.
At Dream Body Clinic we are using Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Stem Cell Treatment
The Alzheimer’s stem cell treatment is a stem cell therapy done with 1 Session of 100 million stem cells administered via intrathecal injection.
To The Loved Ones of a Person with Alzheimer’s Disease
You are probably here because someone you love is forgetting words, losing context of conversations or other symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease. You simply want your loved one Healthy again.
It is leading to a situation where you or someone else is having to take care of the loved one with Alzheimer’s / Dementia. It will cost a lot of money to care for this person and causes less time for family and yourself.
And Stopping you from having that loved one in your life in the way they were.
Dream Body Clinic is here to help
Alzheimer’s / Dementia is usually brought on by old age. The brain accumulates too much plaque or damage and then stops working properly. Doctors will tell you that there are medications to help the symptoms, but no cure. To get around this, you need an alternative therapy and an open mind which most people don’t have.
So what happens? If you let the disease progress and use the normal protocols, then you will have to watch your love one deteriorate while you are a memory care community takes care of them. You will spend a lot of your money or their money paying for care services. A lot of time and energy will be spent that you can’t get back. You could be lucky and find them a nice memory care community to take care of them or you could be unlucky and have them succumb to the disease.
This is why we have created the Alzheimer’s Stem Cell Treatment
The Dream Body Clinic Alzheimer’s stem cell treatment offers a way to treat the disease without side effects. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have now been found to treat Alzheimer’s disease with great success. The 100 million stem cells administered via intrathecal injection go into the spinal fluid and then up to the cerebral fluid. The intrathecal injection is done by Dr. Torres who is an anesthesiologist with over 9 years experience. The intrathecal injection of stem cells is like a spinal tap, but instead of removing the spinal fluid, we are inserting 100 million MSCs. You need to give your body all the advantages that it can have to heal, which is what Mesenchymal Stem Cells do. There are medications available for Alzheimer’s or Dementia, but none have proven to be effective at eliminating the progression of either. Alzheimer’s stem cell treatment offers a way to treat the disease without side effects.
We do recommend adding an IV of 1.4 million mesenchymal stem cells per pound of body weight for the patient. This would help clear up any inflammation throughout the body, but this specific treatment listed is designed specifically to deal with the brain issues. Options are the 50 million stem cells IV, 100 million stem cells IV, the 200 million stem cell IV or the 300 million stem cells IV
How the Alzhiemer’s Stem Cell Treatment Works
The studies below back up the fact that stem cells get to the brain either by IV injection or nebulized administration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). Once the MSCs get to the brain they get to work targeting inflammation. The neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s/Dementia (AD) are often accompanied by neuroinflammation, which is intended to protect the body, but also can contribute to aggravation of damage when it becomes excessive. This is why the ability of MSCs to reduce the brain inflammation is so important.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells have a profound effect on macrophages and in the brain these are microglia. The microglia account for 10% to 15% of the cells in the brain. They are very important, so if they are not working properly then brain health will be off balance. The studies above show that the mesenchymal stem cells do a great job of helping the microglia function properly and proliferate. The microglia are resident macrophage cells, they act as the first and main form of active immune defense in the central nervous system (CNS). In Alzheimer’s or Dementia it is believed that plaque build up may contribute to the disease. The microglia are responsible for removing plaque, damaged or unnecessary neurons or synapses, and infectious agents. So having plenty of healthy microglia is extremely important to brain health. The MSCs have been shown in multiple studies to increase the number of microglia.
The MSCs also help regulate Astrocytes. Astrocytes perform many functions such as biochemical support of endothelial cells that form the blood–brain barrier, provision of nutrients to the nervous tissue, maintenance of extracellular ion balance and a role in the repair and scarring process of the brain and spinal cord following traumatic injuries. The brain repair role is very important for AD. There are multiple theories to what causes dementia or Alzheimer’s and all relate back to microglia and Astrocyte function, making the Alzheimer’s stem cell treatment very effective.
MSCs also release neurotrophic factors that guide neural regeneration. Neuronal loss in Alzheimer’s/Dementia (AD) is partly compensated by MSC transplantation, and this may be one of the mechanisms for MSC therapy in AD.
The research is ongoing with MSCs for AD, but waiting is not an option for most people. This is why we do these treatments. Most people with Alzheimer’s disease end up in special memory care facilities. Our goal is to help as many people as possible regain their cognitive function and not have to end up in a memory care facility.
Call (833) 445-9089 from the USA or Canada. You can also reach us by whatsapp, telegram or signal at +523222321055. You can email us at
Our team will gladly answer any questions about the Alzheimer’s Stem Cell Treatment
- Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia and Stem Cell Therapy – Full Study
- Distribution pattern following systemic mesenchymal stem cell injection depends on the age of the recipient and neuronal health – Full Study
- Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improve Neuropathology and Cognitive Impairment in an Alzheimer’s Disease Study – FULL STUDY BELOW
- Immunomodulatory role of mesenchymal stem cells in Alzheimer’s disease Study – FULL STUDY BELOW
- Alzheimer’s Disease Intranasal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Study – FULL STUDY BELOW
- Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Neurodegenerative Disease Study – Dreambody Clinic
Intranasal Stem Cell Application Study
Intranasally administered mesenchymal stem cells promote a regenerative niche for repair of neonatal ischemic brain injury. This study shows that intranasal stem cell application helps heal the brain. We prefer to use a nebulized approach for intranasal application as more stem cells are able to get to the mucus membrane and pass to the blood stream to go straight to the brain.
Intrathecal Stem Cell Application
Dr. José Salvador Torres Prado
Dr. Torres as he likes to be called, is an anesthesiologist that has worked in Mexico and Spain. In Mexico where Dream Body Clinic is located an intrathecal injection can only be done by an anesthesiologist. This is because of the specialized training needed to ensure that the physician does not puncture anywhere in the spine other than the intended target. This is not the most fun place to be injected, but for optimal results it is the most studied and most highly recommended application point for brain issues.
Intrathecal Injected Mesenchymal Stem Cell Studies
- Progressive increase in brain glucose metabolism after intrathecal administration of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells in patients with diffuse axonal injury
- Intrathecal cell therapy with autologous stromal cells increases cerebral glucose metabolism and can offer a new approach to the treatment of Alzheimer’s type dementia
- Intrathecal Injection in A Rat Model: A Potential Route to Deliver Human Wharton’s Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells into the Brain
Stem cell treatment for alzheimer and dementia from Josh Ketner on Vimeo.
- Blood Panel to give you a baseline to compare and measure effects
- 1 session of 100 million MSCs administered via intrathecal injection
- Lyophilized Placenta Injection
The first day you arrive is to settle in and rest. You fast that night and next morning until we do a blood panel around 8 or 9am. We also need to know what medications you are on as some medications need to be stopped for a few days leading up to this treatment. For the stem cells we need you to stop taking any Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) a week before getting stem cell treatment. You can use them afterwards. The most prominent NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen Here is a breakdown of what NSAID’s – We need at least 3 day notice to have treatment ready for you as the cells are only viable for 4 days from when we receive them.
Step by Step Cerebrovascular Disease Stem Cell Treatment
- 1 session of 100 million MSCs administered via intrathecal injection (session takes about 15 minutes)
- Lyophilized Placenta injection into the stomach fat (Takes about 15 minutes)
Side Effects or Risks
The only side effects that have been documented are the following:
- 1 in 100 people will experience a slight fever for a few hours after treatment
- The intrathecal injection can give the patient a headache
- As with any injection there is a risk of infection, but this risk is extremely low due to our sanitary practices (No patients have ever had an infection from treatment at our clinic)
Our lab has over 8 years specializing in Mesenchymal Stem Cell research. Our lab has done a maximum of 1 billion stem cells via IV with no negative side effects. See Stem Cell Certification by Clicking Here.
As with any medical treatment, there is no guarantee of success.
Why do we need Mesenchymal Stem Cells?
We need more stem cells as we age, but our body is using them up. When we are infants, we have the most stem cells that we will ever have and then by the time we grow up to bone maturity, we only have 10% of these cells left. Only 10% and that is all we have left to work with for the rest of our lives. Cells die off as we age and that percentage goes down even further every year.
So How do Mesenchymal Stem Cells Work?
Mesenchymal Stem cell therapies work by stimulating the body to regenerate itself. Their magic is not in their ability to become or replace different tissues or cells, but in their production of trophic factors, bioactive molecules produced in response to the environment in which the cells are in. These secreted chemicals aid in repairing tissue and the recruitment of new blood vessels to support nutrient flow to the area and decrease inflammation. By repairing tissue, recruiting new blood vessels and increased nutrient flow your body will start to behave the way it is meant to operate. So it is not the cells themselves that work the magic. It is what the cells secrete that has such medicinal potential.
Only available at our Puerto Vallarta Stem Cells clinic. Puerto Vallarta stem cell treatment.
More info on the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretions
Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) secrete a wide range of cellular products, molecules, exosomes (part of the genome thats inside RNA. Progams protein coding) and microvesicles ( Microvesicles play a role in intercellular communication and can transport mRNA, miRNA, and proteins between cells.) That act in different ways to stimulate the body’s healing process.
Growth Factors Aid in Healing
Growth factors (A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. Usually it is a protein or a steroid hormone. Growth factors are important for regulating a variety of cellular processes. Cytokines (Cytokines are a broad and loose category of small proteins that are important in cell signaling. Their release has an effect on the behavior of cells around them. It can be said that cytokines are involved in autocrine signaling, paracrine signalingand endocrine signaling as immunomodulating agents.) , hormones, and cellular mitochondria and RNA are among the secreted bioactive molecules and cellular material that characterize the wide range of activities carried out by mesenchymal stem cells. When considering that the main function of stem cells lies in their secretome. This is the bioactive molecules they secrete. This means they don’t have the ability to differentiate into new tissue, but intead allow your own body to heal itself properly. Isolating these trophic factors separate from the cells offers an intriguing mode of treatment.
Puerto Vallarta stem cell treatment.
Do the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment Results Last?
The results from 300 million stem cell IV + 45 million implant are lasting because your body is able to heal itself like when you were younger. That healing does not go away fast, just think of how many years it took to get you where you are. By getting this treatment once or twice a year, your body will be able to regenerate more and more. The 300 million cells will stay in your system indefinitely. They reside in your capillaries. So any extra space available is filled with the stem cells and they stay with you until they die. The rest of the stem cells circulate in your blood stream looking for areas of inflammation and cells to help. Mesenchymal stem cells are the only cells that have been found able to donate mitochondria to weak or injured cells, thus making them whole again. The stem cells that don’t find a home in your capillaries stay for up to 8 months at which time they mature and your body flushes them out.
Lyophilized Placenta Injection
The Lyophilized Placenta Injection is freeze dried placenta that we inject subcutaneous. The placenta is cleaned and then lyophilized, which means freeze dried under special conditions. The placenta is loaded with nutrients and minerals which when injected into your system, aid the stem cells on a nutrient level. Think of it as a super vitamin shot.
The technique is much older than most people think. Parts of China and Russia have been drying placenta from live births and then cutting into the fathers abdomen and inserting the dried placenta for health benefits. They have been doing this for hundreds of years and it has a solid track record of working. Fortunately we can offer a much more sterile and easy way to get these nutrients.
Puerto Vallarta stem cell treatment.
Step 1 | Call for a Free Consultation to (833) 445-9089 |
Step 2 | Book Airfare and Hotel Accomodations in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico |
Step 3 | Pre-Treatment Screening and Evaluation |
Step 4 | Mesenchymal Stem Cell Alzheimer’s Treatment |
Step 5 | Fly Home on the path to Recovery |