Dream Body Clinic Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Treatments

Dream Body clinic offers Stem Cell Therapy, HGH Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Treatments for patients from around the world. The following lists are clickable links that will take you directly to the treatments to learn more. Stem Cell Therapy continues to make huge progress in treating aging, degeneration and illness. Regenerative Medicine encompasses all of these treatments and more. Dream Body Clinic is your source for all of this.

2024 Marks the 11 Year Anniversary of Dream Body Clinic Helping Heal Patients

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Stem Cell Articulation Treatments
Stem Cell Autoimmune & Chronic Degenerative Treatments
Stem Cell Anti-Aging Treatments
Regenerative Medications for Legal Fly and Buy Program
Dr. Yoni Whitten All About Stem Cell Therapy

Click Here to Learn About Saizen HGH or Genotropin HGH Treatment

Are you ready to save thousands of dollars on your medication?

HGH therapy in the USA can cost up to 5 times as much as the price of a one year supply of Saizen HGH or Genotropin HGH at 2IU per day at the Dream Body Clinic

You can also come enjoy our legal fly and buy program for Modafinil, Cerebrolysin, TRT, Anavar or other listed medications

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It is our belief that Big Pharma doesn’t want you healthy. So they push doctors to read treatments off of a list and treat symptoms instead of root causes in most cases. Dream Body Clinic believes that by getting our hormones in check and replenishing ourselves with mesenchymal stem cells, we can provide healthcare instead of disease care. Join us today!

We are able to treat autoimmune diseases with Stem Cell Therapy to get the patients immune system to protect the body instead of attacking it.

If your Issue is an injured joint then we have you covered there too. Mesenchymal Stem Cells do an amazing job at healing osteo arthritis, ligaments, tendons, meniscus, bone and muscle Injuries.

Dream Body Clinic Stem Cell Anti-Aging: How it works and what to Expect

How to Activate a Pfizer Genotropin HGH Pen

This page will show you How to Activate a Pfizer Genotropin HGH Pen. The Pfizer Genotropin HGH Pen comes in 2 presentations: 12mg (36IU) and 5.3mg (16iu). At Dream Body Clinic we mostly deal with the 122mg (36IU) Pfizer Genotropin HGH Pen. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a 191 chain polypeptide amino acid that is…


Ultimate Guide To Stem Cell Therapy Series

Chapter 1: The History of Dream Body Clinic

Dream Body Clinic was founded 10 years ago with a focus on Hormone Replacement Therapies like HGH and TRT. Dream Body Clinic then expanded into Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatments. We have a passion for helping people to heal and stem cell therapy has proven an incredible way to do that.

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued

Chapter 2: What is a Mesenchymal Stem Cell?

The video on the right goes into detail about what a mesenchymal stem cell is and how they heal. At Dream Body Clinic we use mesenchymal stem cells to heal joints, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases and symptoms of aging.

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Continued

Chapter 3: The Cult of Modern Medicine

At Dream Body Clinic we have become disheartened by what we call the cult of modern medicine. It seems that modern medicine is focused on treating symptoms and not the route cause of most diseases. It is our goal to change this with stem cell therapy. We use stem cells to target the route cause of many diseases and injuries. Watch the video to the left to see our full analysis.

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Continued:

Chapter 4: How to Heal a Heart with Stem Cells

At Dream Body Clinic we are having amazing results with healing hearts. Congestive Heart Failure is an issue that we are having great results treating with stem cells. We are seeing patients with ejection fractions as low as 30% get back up over 55% which is considered the normal range for a heart. We also have seen a lot of success treating patients with stem cells, post heart attack. The stem cells via an IV go straight to the heart and begin the healing process. Learn More here – Congestive Heart Failure or Heart Attack Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide To Stem Cell Therapy Continued

Chapter 5: The Stem Cell Knee Treatment

The Stem Cell Knee Treatment is our most commonly done procedure at Dream Body Clinic. We are able to heal meniscus tears, tendons, ligaments and cartilage with stem cells. We have seen patients with 4th degree osteoarthritis do this treatment and regenerate the cartilage. Arthritis is what typically leads people to needing a knee replacement. Avoid surgery with Stem Cells. Learn More here – Knee Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & and MRI

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Continued

Chapter 6: The Stem Cell Shoulder Treatment

Shoulder pain is no fun to deal with. Fortunately stem cells are a very fast and effective way to heal shoulder pain. We often help patients heal torn labrums, supraspinous, rotator cuffs and arthritis in their shoulders. Most patients find that their shoulder pain is gone 3 months post stem cell treatment. Some outliers can take up to 6 months, but the good news is that these hard to heal problems are healing. Learn more here – Shoulder Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & and MRI

The Ultimate Guide To Stem Cell Therapy Continued

Chapter 7: Stem Cell Hip Repair Treatment

Hip Pain often leads to a full hip replacement. Avoid Hip Surgery with a mesenchymal stem cell hip treatment. We often treat patients with arthritis, labrum tears, tendon or ligament problems. All of these issues can be resolved with stem cell therapy. Most patients are hip pain free at 3 months post treatment. Learn More Here – Hip Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells + PRP & and MRI

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Continued

Chapter 8: Elbow Repair Stem Cell Treatment

Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow are easily treated with stem cells at dream body clinic. We are able to heal arthritis, ligament, tendon and muscle pain in the elbow with stem cells. Most patients are back out doing their favorite activities 6 weeks post treatment and feel fully recovered by 3 months post treatment. Avoid elbow surgery with a stem cell elbow treatment. Learn more here – Elbow Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & and MRI

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 9: Ankle Stem Cell Repair

Ankle Stem Cell Treatment encompasses the entire foot. Some patients have Achilles tendon issues, some have ankle arthritis, others have hyper extended foot tendons, some have toe pain and many other issues. All of these issues and more can be treated with our ankle stem cell treatment. This means that ligament, tendon, arthritis and other issues can be easily healed with stem cells. Most patients are pain free and back to doing their favorite activities 3 to 6 months post treatment. There is no down time so they are walking right away. Learn more here – Ankle Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & and MRI

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Continued…

Chapter 10: Plantar Fasciitis Stem Cell Treatment

The Plantar Fascia encompasses most of the tissue on the bottom part of the foot. This tissue can be damaged over time and cause extreme pain. Fortunately the Plantar Fasciitis Stem Cell Treatment can heal it. They have no real options in the USA, UK, Canada or Europe for plantar fasciitis pain other than pain pills. Stem Cells can guide the cellular regeneration of the plantar fasciitis in 3 to 6 months post treatment. Learn more here – Plantar Fasciitis Stem Cell Treatment – 50 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & an MRI

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 11: The Wrist Stem Cell Treatment

The Wrist Stem Cell Treatment encompasses the entire hand. Some patients have carpal tunnel issues, some have hand arthritis, others have hyper extended tendons, some have thumb pain and many other issues. All of these issues and more can be treated with our wrist stem cell treatment. This means that ligament, tendon, arthritis and other issues can be easily healed with stem cells. Most patients are pain free and back to doing their favorite activities 3 to 6 months post treatment. There is no down time so they are walking right away. Learn more here – Wrist Stem Cell Treatment – 25 Million Mesenchymal Stem Cells & an MRI

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 12: Back Pain Stem Cell Treatment

The back pain stem cell treatment has become one of our most popular treatments. It seems that everyone’s back eventually has pain and this is the way to heal it. We often see patients with herniated discs, facet joint issues and stenosis. The stem cell back treatment helps to remove scar tissue and alleviate nerve pain. This treatment is applied to one of the 3 sections of the back; lumbar spine, thoracic spine or cervical spine. We often see patients with severe nerve pain and the stem cells resolve this by sending out trophic factors that guide the neurons to regenerate nerves around the impingement. This treatment can relieve back pain fast. Learn more at – Upper Back Pain Relief Treatment – 100 Million MSC around most affected Vertebrae + 100 Million MSC IV

Learn more at – Middle Back Pain Relief Treatment – 100 Million MSC around most affected Vertebrae + 100 Million MSC IV

Learn more at – Lower Back Pain Relief Treatment – 100 Million MSC around most affected Vertebrae + 100 Million MSC IV

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 13: Type 2 Diabetes Stem Cell Treatment

The type 2 diabetes stem cell treatment is helping people get their blood glucose levels and A1C marker back into normal range. Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and the stem cells work wonders on autoimmune diseases. The stem cells interact with the immune system and send out cytokines that essentially reprogram the immune system to stop attacking the pancreas and instead protect it. This reprogramming of the immune system allows the body to work properly. Learn more here – Type 2 Diabetes Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 14: Kidney Disease Stem Cell Treatment

The kidney disease stem cell treatment is helping people get their GFR markers back into normal range. Kidney Failure has no real cure available with standard medical care. Most patients will progressively get worse and eventually need dialysis if nothing is done. Fortunately mesenchymal stem cells administered via an IV can help. Read more about our kidney failure stem cell treatment by clicking here – Kidney Disease Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 15: Lung Disease Stem Cell Treatment

The lung disease stem cell treatment is helping people get their VO2 max and other markers back into normal range. Lung Disease like COPD has no real cure available with standard medical care. Most patients will progressively get worse and eventually need to use oxygen if nothing is done. Fortunately mesenchymal stem cells can help. Read more about our lung dease stem cell treatment by clicking here – Lung Disease Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 16: Autoimmune Disease Stem Cell Treatment

The autoimmune disease stem cell treatment is helping people get their lives back. There are many autoimmune diseases out there. We have many specific autoimmune disease treatments listed on the website, but for autoimmune diseases not listed we can usually help. All autoimmune diseases consist of the immune system malfunctioning and stem cells work the same way for all of them. The stem cells send out cytokines that reprogram the immune cells to protect the body instead of attacking it. Read more about our autoimmune disease stem cell treatment by clicking here – Autoimmune Disease Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 17: Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment

The multiple sclerosis stem cell treatment is working miracles for many patients. multiple sclerosis consist of the immune system malfunctioning by attacking the brain and spinal cord. The stem cells fix this by sending out cytokines that reprogram the immune cells to protect the body instead of attacking it. Read more about our multiple sclerosis stem cell treatment by clicking here – multiple sclerosis stem cell treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 18: Nerve Pain Stem Cell Treatment

The nerve pain stem cell treatment is also referred to as the peripheral neuropathy stem cell treatment. Mesenchymal stem cells do an amazing job of regenerating nerves and eliminating nerve pain. They work by sending out neurotrophic factors that guide neurons to regenerate damaged nerves. Read more about our nerve pain stem cell treatment by clicking here – Peripheral Neuropathy Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 19: Stroke Recovery Stem Cell Treatment

The stroke recovery stem cell treatment is healing brains. There are many studies in regards to the benefits of mesenchymal stem cells administered after a stroke. Read more about our stroke recovery stem cell treatment by clicking here – Stroke Recovery Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 20: Liver Repair Stem Cell Treatment

The liver repair stem cell treatment can heal the liver in record time. Liver repair usually encompasses issues like fatty liver disease or cirrhosis. We have seen success treating patients with these issues via our stem cell IV treatment. Read more about our liver repair stem cell treatment by clicking here – Liver Repair Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 21: Traumatic Brain Injury Stem Cell Treatment

The traumatic brain injury stem cell treatment is helping patients recover cognitive function and motor skills. Getting stem cells direct to the brain is difficult, but we have found a fast and reliable way via intrathecal injection. The stem cells go up the spinal fluid to the cerebro spinal fluid where they guide the regeneration of the brain. Read more about our traumatic brain injury stem cell treatment by clicking here – Traumatic brain injury Stem Cell Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series Continued…

Chapter 22: Stem Cell Facial Treatment

The stem cell facial treatment is helping patients regenerate collagen and reduce wrinkles. Read more about our stem cell facial treatment by clicking here – stem cell facial treatment

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

At Dream Body Clinic we offer Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Treatments for Autoimmune disorders, Chronic Degenerative disorders, Articulations, Cosmetic Issues and more.

What kind of stem cells are these?

Our Mesenchymal Stem Cells are derived from Umbilical cord (Wharton Jelly) and Placenta. All donors are under 30 years old and put through a stringent screening process to ensure we only have gold quality stem cells. This tissue that we derive from is the youngest possible source for stem cells. This means that the stem cells we administer are as young and healthy as possible. There is no chance of rejection as mesenchymal stem cells lack human leukocyte antigen (HLA). HLA is what the immune system looks for to detect intruders. Our stem cells are sourced in the best way possible and then cultivated to provide the tens of millions or hundreds of millions of stem cells needed for a successful stem cell therapy.

What Does Stem Cell Therapy Cost?

All of our Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Treatments are listed under Treatments and have the Cost. See what our stem cell therapy treatments cost.

Stem Cell Anti-Aging Treatments

Our Mesenchymal Stem Therapy Treatments have many anti-aging benefits. We are able to effect the whole body with a stem cells anti-aging IV Treatment or focus on specific areas like the face or hair. The stem cells target inflammation and then fix the route cause. Chronic inflammation always speeds up aging so this is the first way anti-aging stem cells effect.
Next they donate mitochondria to weak cells. The mitochondria are like the engines of the cells and by having fresh, new mitochondria they have more energy and work better. The stem cells have also been found to extend telomere length in at least 6 types of cells. It is believed that research will show they do this for even more cells.
The stem cell facial treatment is able to restore collagen and fat below the surface of the skin. This fills in the lines and restores a youthful appearance. It also improves skin quality and thickness.
The Stem Cell Hair Restoration Treatment allows hair follicles that are closing to re-open. They also help regenerate the existing hair. stem cell therapy for anti-aging is wonderful

Stem Cell Knee Repair

Stem Cell Knee Repair is a process of injecting 25 million mesenchymal stem cells into the knee to heal meniscus, ligament, tendon, muscle, cartilage and inflammation. You can see more on our Stem Cells Knee Repair Treatment here. You can seee more on our Stem Cells Knee Repair Treatment here..

Type 2 Diabetes Stem Cell Treatment

Our Diabetes Stem Cell Treatment is extremely effective at mitigating the negative effects of Type 2 diabetes. The mesenchymal stem cell treatment for Type 2 diabetes is an IV of 300 Million mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells send out cytokines that effectively reprogram the immune system to protect the pancreas instead of attacking it. This leads to stabilized blood glucose levels and proper insulin response. A proper diet with low sugar and low fast carbohydrates is needed to maintain results, but the stem cell treatment has a profound effect on Type 2 diabetes. Learn more about our Type 2 Diabetes Stem Cell Therapy.

Lyme Disease Stem Cell Treatment

Our Lyme Disease Stem Cell Treatment is extremely effective at mitigating the negative effects of Lyme disease. The mesenchymal stem cell treatment for Lyme disease is an IV of 300 Million mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells send out cytokines that effectively reprogram the immune system to protect the body instead of attacking it. This leads to feeling normal again. Learn more about our Lyme Disease Stem Cell Treatment.

Modafinil Fly & Buy Program

Our Modafinil Legal Fly & Buy Program is the best. We can legally send you home with up to 8 boxes of Modafinil. You can finally buy modafinil at the dose you want Legally! Learn more about our Modafinil Legal Fly & Buy Program.

Stem Cell Therapy Research

Dream Body Clinic continues to research stem cell therapy procedures and practices so that we can stay at the top of our field. We recently added intranasal stem cell therapy and intrathecal stem cell therapy treatments to better help brain health. Dr. Romo our head physician is currently working on a white paper to study the effects of our stem cell therapy on Parkinson’s disease. He will post that to https://dreambodyclinic.academia.edu/contact and other research sites when completed.

HGH Vallarta

Learn about our HGH Vallarta Fly and Buy Program – CLICK HERE